Justice for Suchir, John, and Joshua
We have a duty to push for thorough and transparent investigations into Suchir Balaji's death, as well as the deaths of Boeing whistleblowers John Barnett and Joshua Dean, and any and all irregularities surrounding lawsuits in which they would have been involved.
Rest in peace, Suchir Balaji. The world was surely a better place with you in it. I’m both angry and saddened by this loss—the loss of the many years you had ahead of you and with those who knew and loved you. You were truly one of one: a rare and genuine human willing to stand, unequivocally, against injustice.
More than anything, I regret not thanking you for your incredible courage, conviction, and just plain goodness—for standing up for groups to which you did not even belong and from which you had nothing to gain, including the artists whom most in your sector exploit then ignore or ridicule. You were one of the best of us humans, and I’ll personally do all I can, as I believe we all should, to make sure your death is not in vain.
I don’t presume to know what happened, but I do believe we have a duty to push for thorough and transparent investigations into your death, as well as the deaths of Boeing whistleblowers John Barnett and Joshua Dean, and any and all irregularities surrounding lawsuits in which you would have been involved.
We must also push for an end to non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) that shield the wealthy from accountability for crimes. No person should be forced to choose between providing for themselves and their families and reporting illegal and immoral behavior. Otherwise, we are very literally endorsing criminality when it serves the wealthy.
Justice for Suchir, John, and Joshua.