Artists Resisting Exploitation Etsy Store Launch!

Right in the wake of DeepSeek’s annihilation of US AI stocks seems like the perfect time to launch Artists Resisting Exploitation’s Etsy store. See ARE’s first design, "Move Fast & Fail Faster," above. We think it's funny. You can find this on a variety of eco-friendly apparel (and a tote) at
Finding humor in the absurdities of the current moment when obviously illegal and unethical behavior is enabled by a government that later complains about the same “tech-industrial complex” it helped cement and finding humor in the major disappointment that is seemingly “nice” people who profit, largely, from exploiting artists and the public, including open-source folks who clearly care far more about the life cycle of their science experiment and eight-ball tech-optimist fantasies than about the here-and-now, very real lives and livelihoods of actual human beings (namely, artists) . . . well, finding humor in such absurdities seemed like a good way to get ARE's message out, choose communal joy/giggles over despair, and, hey, hopefully earn enough to keep this thing going for as long as necessary.
Get some merch and stay posted for more designs and articles!