About this site

About this site
Art by site admin

Artists Resisting Exploitation (ARE) is an independent publication . . . and so much more. ARE unites independent artists of all disciplines to safeguard the arts as a profession and ensure that it is not Big Tech, wealthy investors, and others who stand to gain from the exploitation of artists, but actual devoted artists who are at the forefront of shaping the impact of emerging technologies like generative AI on the arts and on independent artists. What is unique about ARE?

ARE believes that every social justice movement must be led by those most impacted by the particular injustice they hope to eradicate and was founded by an independent interdisciplinary artist (self-taught musician, trained poet, essayist, and extremely amateur photographer).
ARE is grassroots and will never take funding from Big Tech corporations.
ARE is committed to being artist-led and is working toward an organizational model (nonprofit/cooperative/collective) that engages more devoted artists in leadership.

You are invited to be part of a revolution that future-proofs the arts, countering the chauvinistic “Adapt or die!” dogma and upholding a basic tenet of human progress: consent is evolutionary.

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Move beyond doom scrolling while being plagued by anxiety, anger, and a sense of helplessness to action. When ARE or groups we love organize strategic actions that we believe could be high impact and that are doable (and legal), you will be among the first to know. It’s free! You need only subscribe.

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Subscription, which is, again, free, gives you access to all articles, including updates on cool and ethical emerging technologies that are worth trying out.

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Be part of a forward-thinking movement

Join a community of other subscribers who care deeply about art and artists, champion data sovereignty, believe exploitation should be stamped out wherever it is found, are wary of Big Tech’s increasing encroachment into and control over all aspects of our lives, and want to future proof the arts for generations to come.

Help protect your favorite artists’ livelihoods and work

First of all, support artists directly by buying or commissioning authentic, meaningful art that you love (or donating directly to the artists who make such art). Then support ARE’s efforts to ensure that professional independent artists, emerging independent artists, and future independent artists can fulfill their purposes/callings and sustain careers that enable them to give back the best of themselves to society.

Your support makes this site possible; will enable us to grow this endeavor toward the vision of an adequately funded and staffed, high-impact organization that fills a crucial void and is run by and accountable to progressive independent artists; and allows ARE and independent artists who are devoted to their crafts to exist, resist, and persist. Thank you!